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Director’s Report

Director’s Report

The report of the Board of Directors must be attached to every balance sheet presented at the annual general meeting. The report must contain information regarding the following matters

1. The state of affairs of the company, Review of its operating information.

2. The amount, if any, which it proposes to carry to any reserves in such balance sheet

3. The amount of dividend recommended

4. Details of any material changes and commitments, if any, affecting the financial position of the company which have occurred between the end of the financial year of the company to which the balance sheet relates and the date of the report, conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo.

5. Director’s responsibility statement that directors confirms the adoption of applicable accounting standards, use of prudent accounting policies in preparation of financial statement, use of utmost care in preparing financial statement and safeguarding the assets of company and preparation of accounts on a going concern basis.

6. Management discussion and analysis report (discussed separately)

7. Corporate governance report

8. Details necessary for a proper understanding of the state of the company’s affairs and which are not, in the Board’s opinion, harmful to the business of the company or of any of its subsidiaries, in respect of changes which have occurred during the financial year in the nature of company’s business, in the company’s subsidiaries or in the nature of the business carried on by them and generally in the classes of business in which the company has an interest.

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