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1. A Management tool: Internal Audit is management tool performed by the employees of the organisation or the engaged professional firm to check the appropriateness of internal checks and control in the organisation. The reporting authority is generally board of directors and audit committee.

2. A continuous Exercise: Internal Audit is a continuous and systematic process of examining and reporting the operations and records of a concern by its employees or external agencies specially assigned for this purpose. It is, in essence, auditing for the management and its scope may vary depending upon the nature and size of the concern.

3. A Control System: It is a control system concerned with examination and appraisal of other control mechanisms.

4. A Risk Management Tool: The internal audit work encompasses fostering the creation of a risk management process and ensuring it addresses key objectives, and the subsequent evaluation of the process. The internal audit work also encompasses an identical role in the creation and subsequent evaluation of, the business continuity planning process, and the information security and privacy system.

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