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Restrictive Practices under Intellectual Property Licensing

Restrictive Practices under Intellectual Property Licensing :

The term restrictive practice signifies non-governmental measures used by companies to strengthen their position in a given market. In the context of IPRs, these practices can hamper or distort competition in given market. Competition and anti-trust laws deal with such business practices and prohibit them when it is established that they have the effect of distorting or preventing competition in a given market.

The concept of unfair competition has been also recognised under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial property which comprises not only infringement of industrial property but also all other acts which adversely affect the business relations of a person. The provisions of the Paris Convention contain a broad stipulation that any act of competition contrary to honest practices in industrial and commercial matters constitutes an act of unfair competition. These provisions affirm the foundation of fair competition as being honest practices or good morals and set out three kinds of acts which are deemed typically unlawful in international trade and therefore, must be prohibited.

UNCTAD Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology under Chapter IV has also recognised some practices as restrictive practices. In India, the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, the Patents Act, 1970 and Competition Act, 2002 prohibit the use of restrictive practices in business agreements.


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