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A management information system (MIS) provides information that organizations need to manage themselves
efficiently and effectively. MIS is an information system which provides information to the management so that
management may take timely decisions. MIS is basically concerned with processing data into information which is
then communicated to the various Departments in an organisation for appropriate decision-making. MIS provides several benefits to the business organisation: the means of effective and efficient coordination between Departments; quick and reliable referencing; access to relevant data and documents; improvement in organisational and departmental techniques. Management information system helps companies keep track of its resources and stay organised. MIS allows managers to make different types of reports about the company activities.

The clear starting point in reviewing the Management Information System (MIS) is to understand what it collects, how it works, and how teams can call (or contribute) information using it. There are some basic questions to consider:

– What are the components of the information system?

– Who uses each component?

– What information is available?

– What information is not available?

– How reliable is the information?

– How readily, and how quickly, is it available?

– How hard is it to modify data?

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