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1. Discuss and document with the cashier about the procedures for the receiving and disbursement of cash.

A. sources of cash (funds)

B. frequency of deposits

C. who makes the deposits

D. the level of “cash” received

E. the nature of documentation of expenditures (invoices, check requests, agreements…)

F. authorization procedures

2. Determine whether the level of cash held in the field and in the office is appropriate.

3. For petty cash funds

– Is an accurate petty cash voucher maintained?

– Are physical cash counts

(a) Conducted routinely by a person or people who are not direct custodians of the petty cash funds?

(b) Reconciled with the petty cash voucher? Can all variances be explained?

(c) Documented by those people who performed the counts and reconcile these counts against the petty cash voucher?

– Is access to petty cash funds restricted? Who has access to these funds?

4. For all field checking accounts

(a) Determine the number of signatures required on each check.

(b) Determine the process by which cash is received for mission operations.

(c) Obtain bank statements for each bank account.

(d) Determine the frequency and timing of the preparation of bank reconciliations. Who does the reconciliations?

(e) Summarize a listing of deposits from the bank statements and reconcile the amounts with reported home office transfers and other sources of income reflected on the field’s financial reports.

(f) Obtain bank reconciliations and test for accuracy.

(g) Verify whether a second party reviews bank reconciliations monthly. These examinations should be documented with a date of examination and a signature of the second party.


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