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Statement of Profit and Loss

Statement  of Profit and Loss :

An enterprise should recognise the net total of the following amounts in the statement of profit and loss, except to the extent that another Accounting Standard requires or permits their inclusion in the cost of an asset:

(a) current service cost (see paragraphs 64-91);

(b) interest cost (see paragraph 82);

(c) the expected return on any plan assets (see paragraphs 107-109) and on any reimbursement rights (see paragraph 103);

(d) actuarial gains and losses (see paragraphs 92-93); (

e) past service cost to the extent that paragraph 94 requires an enterprise to recognise it;

(f) the effect of any curtailments or settlements (see paragraphs 110 and 111); and

(g) the effect of the limit in paragraph 59 (b), i.e., the extent to which the amount determined under paragraph 55 (if negative) exceeds the amount determined under paragraph 59 (b).

Other Accounting Standards require the inclusion of certain employee benefit costs within the cost of assets such as tangible fixed assets (see AS 10 Accounting for Fixed Assets). Any post-employment benefit costs included in the cost of such assets include the appropriate proportion of the components listed in paragraph 61.

Illustration :

Illustration I attached to the Standard illustrates describing the components of the amounts recognised in the balance sheet and statement of profit and loss in respect of defined benefit plans.

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