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Reserve for Exchange Rate Fluctuations Account (RERFA) :

Reserve for Exchange Rate Fluctuations Account (RERFA) 

When exchange rate movements of Indian rupee turn adverse, the outstanding amount of foreign currency denominated loans (where actual disbursement was made in Indian Rupee) which become overdue goes up correspondingly, with its attendant implications of provisioning requirements.

Such assets should not normally be revalued. In case such assets need to be revalued as per requirement of accounting practices or for any other requirement, the following procedure may be adopted:

 The loss on revaluation of assets has to be booked in the bank’s Profit & Loss Account.

 Besides the provisioning requirement as per Asset Classification, banks should treat the full amount of the Revaluation Gain relating to the corresponding assets, if any, on account of Foreign Exchange Fluctuation as provision against the particular assets.