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Applicability of AS 5 and Materiality

Applicability of AS 5 and Materiality

Accounting Standards are intended to apply only to items that are material. Since materiality is not objectively defined, RBI, vide its Circular No. DBOD.No.BP. BC. 89 /21.04.018/2002-03 dated March 29, 2003 on “Guidelines on compliance with Accounting Standards (AS) by banks”, has advised that all banks should ensure compliance with the provisions of accounting standards in respect of any item of prior period income or expenditure, which exceeds one per cent of total income/ total expenditure of the bank if the income or expenditure is reckoned on gross basis or one per cent of the net profit before taxes or net losses as the case may be if the income is reckoned on net of costs.

Since the format of the profit and loss accounts of banks prescribed in Form B under Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 does not specifically provide for disclosure of the impact of prior period items on the current year’s profit and loss, such disclosures, wherever warranted, may be made in the Notes on Accounts to the balance sheet of banks.