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Directors’ Fees, Allowances and Expenses

Directors’ Fees, Allowances and Expenses

This item includes sitting fees and all other items of expenditure incurred in relation to directors. The daily allowance, hotel charges, conveyance charges, etc., though in the nature of reimbursement of expenses incurred, may be included under this head. Similar expenses of local Committee members may also be included under this head. Under the Companies Act, 2013 a director may receive remuneration by way of a fee for each meeting of the Board or a Committee attended by him. Local Committees are appointed by banks as advisory bodies in respect of the areas allotted to them. Their members are also paid fees or allowances.

The auditor may check the sitting fees and allowances with reference to the articles of the banking company, agreements, minutes of the Board and Local Committees, etc. It may be noted that in the case of nationalised banks, the fees and the basis of reimbursement of travelling expenses are fixed by the Central Government in consultation with the RBI. Copies of the relevant orders may be examined in this behalf.