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E-commerce – Income Tax

E-commerce :

E-commerce or electronic commerce, in its widest sense, means consumer and business transactions conducted over a network, using computers and telecommunications. In other words, e-commerce refers to the exchange of goods or services for value on the internet. It includes, inter alia, on-line shopping, on-line trading of goods and services, electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchanges and on-line trading of financial instruments.

The OECD defines e-commerce in a somewhat more restricted manner as commercial transactions between individuals and organisations, based on the processing or transmission of digitised data units, sound, and visual images, which are carried out over open networ ks (like internet) or over closed networks (like minitel) with a gateway to open networks. This more specific definition would therefore exclude electronic data interchange (EDI), carried out over closed networks, if such EDIs are being used by themselves, without access to an open network (e.g. credit cards used over a closed network, connecting specified merchants with a card organisation).

Whatever be the definition, this method of carrying on a business is widely different from the traditional practice of business. Whereas traditional businesses have rested squarely on the physical presence and delivery of goods, in doing business via the internet, as is the case in e-commerce transactions, physical presence of goods is not required at all. Consequently, geographical boundaries between nations hold no significance. Secondly, in such type of transactions, physical delivery of goods is not necessary. Where the goods and services are available in digital form, e.g. computer software, music, magazines, drawings etc. physical transactions are replaced by transfer of bytes. Thirdly, e-commerce transactions can be completed almost instantaneously across the world and irrespective of the time of the day.Click on the Below Link for more details

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