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Hours and Period of work

Hours and Period of work :

Section 7 provides that no child shall be required or permitted to work in any establishment in excess of such number of hours, as may be prescribed for such establishment or class of establishments.

The period of work on each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed three hours and that no child shall work for more than three hours before he has had an interval for rest for at least one hour. The period of work of a child shall be so arranged that inclusive of his interval for rest, it shall not be spread over more than six hours, including the time spent in waiting for work on any day.

This section also stipulates that:

– No child shall be permitted or required to work between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m.

– No child shall be required or permitted to work overtime.

– No child shall be required or permitted to work in, any establishment on any day on which he has already been working in another establishment.

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