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Introduction of Double Entry system

Introduction of Double Entry system :

Recording of business transactions has been in vogue in all countries of the world. In India, maintenance of accounts was practised not in such a developed form as we have today. Kautilya’s famous Arthasastra not only relates to Politics and Economics, but also explains the art of account keeping in a separate chapter. Written in 4th century BC, the book gives details about account keeping, methods of supervising and checking of accounts and also about the distinction between capital and revenue, income and expenses etc.

Double entry system was introduced to the business world by an Italian merchant named Lucas Pacioli in 1494 A.D. Though the system of recording business transactions in a systematic manner has originated in Italy, it was perfected in England and other European countries during the 18th century only i.e., after the Industrial Revolution. Many countries have adopted this system today.

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