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Jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunals to abolish contract labour

Jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunals to abolish contract labour :

It has been held by the Supreme Court in Vegolis Private Ltd. v. The Workmen, (1971)II-LLJ p. 567, that after enforcement of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, the sole jurisdiction for abolition of contract labour in any particular operation vested with the appropriate Government and thereafter the Tribunals have no jurisdiction to abolish contract labour. Supreme Court cannot under Article 32 of the Constitution order for abolition of Contract Labour System in any establishment (1985 1 SCC 630).

In Gujarat Electricity Board case, AIR 1995 SC 2942, the Supreme Court held that:

(a) all undertakings on their own discontinue the contract labour who satisfy the factors mentioned in classes (a) to (d) of Section 10(2) of the Act, and abolish as many of the labour as is feasible as their direct employees.

(b) both the Central and State Governments should appoint a committee to investigate the establishments in which the contract labour is engaged and were on the basis of criteria laid down in clauses (a) to (d) of Section 10(2) of the Act, the contract labour system can be abolished and direct employment can be given to the contract labour.

The appropriate Government on its own should take initiative to abolish the labour contracts in the establishments concerned by following the procedure laid down under the Act.

(c) the Central Government should amend the Act by incorporating a suitable provision to refer to industrial adjudicator the question of the direct employment of the contract workers of the ex-contractor in principal establishments, when the appropriate Government abolishes the contract labour.

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