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Product code for zinc plates, sheets, strips and foil

HS Codes

Export goods code for Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil. Import goods code for Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil. Merchandise code for Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil.  Goods code 790500  is for which merchandise?

HS CODE  790500  stands for which product?Product code 790500  against which commodity? Commodity code 790500  meant for which product?

Click here to find Import Export product code (HS code) of your goods
chapter 79 zinc and articles thereof
7905  zinc plates, sheet, strip and foil


790500  Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil


How to import Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil and other goods mentioned above

Procedures to export Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil and other goods mentioned above





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