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Risks and Uncertainties

Risks and Uncertainties of asset

The risks and uncertainties that inevitably surround many events and circumstances should be taken into account in reaching the best estimate of a provision.

Risk describes variability of outcome. A risk adjustment may increase the amount at which a liability is measured. Caution is needed in making judgments under conditions of uncertainty, so that income or assets are not overstated and expenses or liabilities are not understated. However, uncertainty does not justify the creation of excessive provisions or a deliberate overstatement of liabilities. For example, if the projected costs of a particularly adverse outcome are estimated on a prudent basis, that outcome is not then deliberately treated as more probable than is realistically the case. Care is needed to avoid duplicating adjustments for risk and uncertainty with consequent overstatement of a provision.

Disclosure of the uncertainties surrounding the amount of the expenditure is made under paragraph 67(b).

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