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Surveillance at BSE

Surveillance at BSE :

The main objective of the Surveillance function of the Exchange is to promote market integrity in two ways, first, by monitoring price and volume movements (volatility) as well as by detecting potential market abuses at a nascent stage, with a view to minimizing the ability of the market participants, both in Cash and Derivative market, to influence the price of the scrip/series in the absence of any meaningful information, and second, by managing default risk by taking necessary actions timely. All the instruments traded in the equity segment of Cash and Derivative market come under the Surveillance umbrella of BSE. Surveillance activities at the Exchange are divided broadly into two major segments, namely, price monitoring and position monitoring. Price monitoring is mainly related to the price movement/abnormal fluctuation in prices or volumes etc. whereas the position monitoring relates mainly to abnormal positions of members, etc. in order to manage default risk.

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