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World Wide Web (WWW)

World Wide Web (WWW) :

This facility collates internet related resources and makes available the information. The access to this site assists user to source out a large variety of information. Banks uses internet and web sites (banks’ own web sites) to market their products and services. These platforms also allow banks to offer online banking facilities and can be used for posting their financial results and information to customers.

The World Wide Web is like a huge electronic magazine with its pages stored on many computers (called “servers”) around the world. Pages on the web are connected by links called “hypertext”. Each hypertext link jumps to another page… so unlike reading a book where one page follows another in sequence, on the World Wide Web one can follow a web of links to visit the information he is interested in.

What is termed “surfing the web” is clicking through one page to another – from hypertext link to hypertext link. one can go on an endless adventure from web page to web page, turning back at any time, or going off in tangents.

To access the World Wide Web one needs, a computer, a modem (or some other connection device), a phone line, and software called a “browser”… and an account with an Internet Service Provider. The browser itself is a relatively simple piece of software that interprets a computer code called HTML – or hypertext mark up language. Most web pages are written in HTML – the browser merely interprets the HTML’s instructions to display the text, pictures, play sounds or run animation. The two most popular browsers are Firefox and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

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